Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Top real estate trends in 2014: A rundown

Real estate consultants like Carl Rheuban can help potential homebuyers and real estate investors make wise decisions based on the emerging developments in residential and commercial properties.  Here are three of them: 

Real estate is recovering. Particular segments like the housing market are well on its way to recovery, with local housing markets propelling its growth.  A huge chunk of investments and construction projects will be located, not in the current major economic hubs like New York and San Francisco, but in second-tier cities like Austin, Dallas, and Portland. 

Crowdfunding invades real estate. Rapidly changing the game in real estate investment is crowdfinancing, a business strategy where real estate-focused funds are being pooled from a group of investors through the social media.  In a way that democratizes access to high quality investment, crowdfinancing has steadily grown in revenues, and is even making a mark on Wall Street. 

Image Source: zillow.com

The boom in the said model gave rise to a growing number of real estate crowdfunding firms.  Forbes lists down seven firms that show the biggest potential in this article

Image Source: huffingtonpost.com

Multifamily properties are steadily gaining ground.  Families and young professionals are giving up the prospects of owning a single home for smaller but more affordable and accessible multifamily units.  Apartment complexes saw an increase in share of housing across the United States, the highest in fourdecades.

Image Source: drawbacksof.com

Demand for multifamily spaces has been continuously growing, and is expected to keep its momentum until 2016, according to industry forecast. Such trend opens a big window of opportunities for potential investors.

Lawyer and entrepreneur CarlRheuban is also the founder of Rheuban Partners, a real estate consultancy group.  To learn more about Mr. Rheuban’s expertise, visit this website.

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